Operador da website

WFL Millturn Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
Wahringerstraße 36
4030 Linz I AUSTRIA

Tel +43 732 6913-0
Fax + 43 732 6913-8172
Email office(at)

Serviços: hotline(at)

Gestão: Mag. Norbert Jungreithmayr
Negócio: manufacturer of machine tools

Objeto da empresa: WFL Millturn Technologies GmbH & Co. KG is concentrating on the production and sales of turning-boring-milling-units.  

TYPO3 CMS powered by SIWA

Jurisdição: Linz, FN 210325b
UID ATU 51972806
DVR 0763772

Editores: Mag. Sabine Steinkellner

Mais informações em data privacy.


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