Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

Konfuzius, chinesischer Philosoph, 551 - 479 v. Chr.

TOOLS FOR LIFE aims to give people in every corner of the world access to the essential resources needed to live a healthy life. This includes provision of tangible resources such as renewable energy, clean water and basic sanitation, as well as opening up access to intangible resources such as education, coaching and training. Since the end of 2021, climate protection has also been part and parcel of the foundation's work and complements its other goals.

It is against this backdrop that in 2008, Dr Helmut Rothenberger established the TOOLS FOR LIFE foundation, which continues to abide by the values of its founder by actively promoting sustainable programmes for the common good.

In selected regions, TOOLS FOR LIFE has created a network of organisations and local partners that in recent years has built educational institutions and water supply networks, which it operates and maintains to this day.

The foundation achieves its goals by focusing on sharing knowledge and promoting practical skills. It is active in developing countries, as well as in Germany and other countries around the world.

Remarkable figures

Since the foundation was founded by Dr Helmut Rothenberger in 2008, 1.6 million euros have been donated, a total of 108 projects have been supported, and 187,925 people have been helped. TOOLS FOR LIFE aims to give people in every corner of the world access to the essential resources needed to live a healthy life. This includes provision of tangible resources such as energy and water, as well as opening up access to intangible resources such as education, training and coaching. The foundation achieves its goals by focusing on sharing knowledge and promoting practical skills. It is active in developing countries, as well as in Germany and other countries around the world.

Donate and do good!

All Tools for Life activities are funded by donations, either generated by fund-raisers or received directly from sponsors and supporters. And every euro counts! As all personnel and administrative costs are borne by the founders, 100% of every donation is used exclusively for project implementation.

Donate here !


Training young women in Himachal Pradesh, India

Solar installation project in Telire, Costa Rica

Construction of a water tower in Diourbel, Senegal

A WFL family hero

There is something rather special about people who always think about others and truly embody a community spirit. The same can be said of retired couple Angela and Josef Haider, who earned first place in the 2023 HERO Awards.

For more than a decade, Angela and Josef Haider have travelled regularly to Ust-Chorna in the Carpathian Mountains of western Ukraine, delivering relief supplies. Since the war began, these trips have become more important than ever. This settlement with a population of 1,500 is home to many German-speaking Austrophile residents. Many hundreds of refugees from the war are also living there.

A WFL employee also showed great commitment to the cause: Dieter Haider played his part by volunteering as a driver in June 2023.

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